How Social Media Affects Adolescent Mental Health
Social media isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it seems like new platforms and trends are popping up all the time. While social media is for everyone, there’s no denying that many platforms are most popular with kids, teens, and young adults.
There’s nothing wrong with that. Social media is a great way for adolescents to stay connected with each other, keep up with trends and activities, and share fun pieces of their lives.
But, there are some downsides to social media use, especially with a younger audience.
Let’s take a closer look at how social media affects adolescent mental health and what you can do to help your child or teen deal with some of those effects.
Self-Esteem Issues
Adolescents who spend hours a day scrolling through social media platforms might start to see themselves in a negative light. Social media is often a highlight reel of people’s lives. If your teen sees an influencer living their best life with money, things, and extensive travel experiences, they might feel like they’ll never be able to have those things.
Closer to home, if your adolescent sees a friend looking “flawless” on social media, they might feel inadequate or somehow that they’re not as good as that person.
It’s rare for someone to post something negative about themselves on social media. Most are trying to publish perfect pictures and content. Unfortunately, regularly absorbing that kind of content can cause your child or teen to feel like they’re not good enough.
Sleep Issues
Most adolescents browse through social media on handheld devices like phones and tablets. Unfortunately, the blue light emanating from those devices and the stress that can come from social media consumption can create poor sleeping habits in your teen.
That serves as a sort of vicious cycle. The less adequate sleep an adolescent gets, the more likely it is that they’ll deal with mental health issues like depression or anxiety.
Cyberbullying and Digital Attacking
Bullying is nothing new in the adolescent world. However, social media has opened the door to different types of verbal attacks. Nowadays, it’s easy for peers, friends, and even strangers to hop online and say whatever they want about your child or teen. Sometimes, they can even do it anonymously, but that doesn’t take away the pain and humiliation your child might feel.
This kind of digital attack can wreak havoc on your adolescent’s mental health, creating anxiety, stress, and depression.
Sometimes, your child might not be directly attacked. But, they might be exposed to hate speech or harmful content on social media, which can also contribute to anxiety.
Keeping Up With Trends
Social media moves quickly. It can put a lot of pressure on your child or teen to keep up with different platforms and trends or even to respond quickly to messages or posts from friends. Some young people might even feel pressured to get a certain number of interactions on their posts, causing them to check in constantly.
This kind of pressure can quickly lead to anxiety. If they feel like they’re missing out or can’t keep up, they might fear losing relationships or even social status.
What Can You Do?
Social media has its benefits, even for adolescents. But it’s important to monitor your child’s use as necessary. Make sure to check in with them to ensure they aren’t experiencing any of the negative effects that can sometimes come with regular use.
If your adolescent is experiencing mental health issues due to social media, don’t hesitate to get them the help they need. Feel free to contact me to set up an appointment for child or teen therapy. They can learn how to manage their symptoms, as well as healthy strategies to maintain mental wellness in the future.