
6 Ways to Release Your Anger
Everyone gets angry. Even if you’re calm and collected, more often than not, rage can build up inside you for a variety of reasons. Trying to push it down or ignore it can lead to even bigger problems.

How Male Depression Can Lead To Emotional Affairs
Depression affects people differently, especially when it comes to how they might choose to cope. For men, depression can be especially difficult to deal with, largely in part due to societal norms and expectations and certain stigmas that still surround mental health.

Immigrant Depression: What Caused the Recent Spike in Mental Health Distress?
Depression doesn’t seek out specific individuals. It can impact anyone from all walks of life and backgrounds. However, research has shown that there are certain groups that might be more at risk of this mental health condition than others.

Understanding Immigrant Trauma
The United States is known for being a country of immigrants. Even though political views and regulations tend to muddy the waters about immigration today, it remains a place where people can come to seek refuge, start a new life, and build the “American Dream” from the ground up.

How to Create a Good Work/Life Balance When You're Self-Employed
Being self-employed can be very empowering. Knowing you’re in charge gives you a sense of control and freedom. To the outside world, being self-employed likely feels like a dream come true, and even when you’re in the thick of it, there are plenty of benefits to enjoy.

Understanding and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as an Entrepreneur
Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological issue that causes someone to feel like a fraud. You might think that any success or accomplishments you have are undeserved, and you’re just waiting for someone to “catch” you and expose that you don’t have the skills or strengths others might think you do.

Are You Selling Your Soul to Your Job?
According to a 2022 Gallup poll, 19% of Americans reported being miserable at work. Job dissatisfaction is high, but there’s a difference between not liking your job and feeling like you’re selling your soul to the place you go to each day.
How to Search for a Career When You're Uncertain of What You Want
There’s a common misconception that you either grow up knowing what you want to do or you’re at least supposed to know by the time you graduate high school or college. But that isn’t the case for everyone.

EMDR: What It Is & How It Works
Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has become increasingly popular as a modality for anxiety, depression, trauma, and so much more. It’s a science-backed approach that allows your mind to reprocess harmful negative thoughts.

Common Causes of Low Sex Drive in Men
There are plenty of stereotypes about men and high sex drives. Unfortunately, these tropes can do more harm than good when we see them in movies, television shows, and even when they’re talked about in social circles.

What Causes Low Libido in Women?
There are plenty of tropes and stereotypes about women having a lower sex drive than men. While multiple studies have shown that sex drive doesn’t vary that much by gender, several potential causes could make you feel like your libido isn’t where it should be.

4 Ways to Address Mental Health Stigma in Professional Fields
Mental health conversations have come a long way in recent years, especially in the professional world.

What are the Benefits of Ketamine Treatment?
While ketamine treatment for mental health issues like depression continues to rise in popularity, one of the most common questions people still have is a fairly simple one.

ADHD vs. Autism: What's the Difference?
ADHD and autism might seem like two completely different disorders. It’s often fairly easy to discern one or the other based on social interactions and behaviors.

What Is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule?
The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is an assessment that can be done for individuals who have shown some common signs of being on the autism spectrum.

Understanding the Importance of Early Diagnosis for Autism
According to the CDC, more than 75 million people across the globe are on the autism spectrum. In the United States, 1 in 36 children receive an autism diagnosis, with the number consistently on the rise.

How Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy Can Help with Anxiety
Most people have at least heard of ketamine, but it’s gotten somewhat of a negative reputation as a “street drug” that you might not have considered it as an effective tool for managing anxiety.

The Relationship Between ADHD and Anxiety in Women
Anxiety can impact anyone. It doesn’t discriminate between men and women, and you don’t necessarily have to have any other underlying mental or physical health conditions to experience it.

Living with Bipolar II and Steps You Can Take to Actively Manage Symptoms
We’ve already covered the symptoms of bipolar I and what it’s like to live with that condition. When many people think of bipolar disorder, in general, bipolar I is likely what comes to mind.

Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar I
Over 5 million people in the United States alone deal with bipolar disorder. Because of that commonality, many people believe they understand what the condition looks like, what to expect, and common symptoms that can impact someone diagnosed with it.