6 Ways to Release Your Anger

Everyone gets angry. Even if you’re calm and collected, more often than not, rage can build up inside you for a variety of reasons. Trying to push it down or ignore it can lead to even bigger problems.

Emotions demand to be felt — including anger. Being able to release it in healthy, effective ways is important. Rage doesn’t need to be viewed as something negative when you’re able to release it the right way.

With that in mind, let’s cover a few of those healthy options, so you can release your rage and feel better without harming your mental well-being in the process.

1. Exercise

a running man

Most people understand the physical health benefits of exercise. But it can also greatly improve your mental health. It reduces stress, boosts your mood, and can give you feelings of happiness rather than rage. It’s also a great way to release pent-up tension, giving you a sense of calm. Find a physical activity you enjoy, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

2. Be More Mindful

Anger can often become worse when you dwell on what’s making you angry. Or when you allow yourself to “overthink” things that haven’t necessarily happened.

Mindfulness allows you to stay grounded in the present. Focus on taking slow, deep breaths and letting go of negative thoughts that aren’t grounded in the here and now. Just a few moments of mindful meditation can allow you to release anger and frustration quickly.

3. Get Creative

Creative expression is a great way to release pent-up anger constructively. You don’t need to be a talented artist or musician to enjoy letting your creative side come through. Consider things like painting, pottery, or learning an instrument. When you’re feeling frustrated or angry, turn to those things as an outlet that will allow you to express yourself and your feelings.

4. Journaling

Being able to write down your emotions is one of the best ways to process them. Consider carrying a small notebook with you and jot down your thoughts and feelings whenever anger starts to creep in. Not only will it give you an outlet to channel your feelings, but you’ll also be able to look back on previous entries and recognize that you’re strong enough to process and work through things without losing your cool.

5. Change Your Environment

Sometimes, a change of scenery is exactly what’s needed to calm down and regain control of your emotions. If a specific person or environment is triggering you, leave as soon as it’s safe and appropriate to do so. Find a quiet spot to take some deep breaths so you can calm down. You’re entitled to healthy boundaries to maintain your sense of peace.

6. Talk to Someone

Being able to vent your frustrations and talk about your feelings is important, especially if you tend to struggle with rage and anger. A trusted friend or family member can make a big difference when they’re a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes, opening up about how you’re feeling can make even the most frustrating, powerful emotions easier to process.

If you find that you’re still struggling with feelings of anger, consider talking to a mental health professional. Not only can anxiety therapy help you learn how to release your anger and rage in healthy ways, but it can also help you develop a better understanding of where it stems from. That’s often the best way to start healing from the inside out.

You don’t have to feel overwhelmed or overpowered by feelings of anger. If you’re looking for even more effective ways to process and manage those emotions, feel free to contact me to set up an appointment soon.


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