How Male Depression Can Lead To Emotional Affairs
Depression affects people differently, especially when it comes to how they might choose to cope. For men, depression can be especially difficult to deal with, largely in part due to societal norms and expectations and certain stigmas that still surround mental health.
Unfortunately, that leads some men to seek out unhealthy coping mechanisms on their own rather than getting the help they really need. One of those coping mechanisms can be an emotional affair. An emotional affair is a type of infidelity that occurs without physical intimacy. However, they can be just as jarring to a relationship and lead to lasting trust issues.
Let’s take a closer look at how male depression can lead to emotional affairs and what you can do if you’re struggling to cope with depression on your own.
How Can Emotional Affairs Manifest Themselves?
It’s not always easy for men to admit they’re struggling with something, especially to a partner. You might worry that your partner will view you as weak, or judge you somehow. So, you might start to seek out comfort and validation elsewhere.
In some ways, it’s easier than ever to have emotional affairs. Online communication makes connecting with people outside of your relationship all too convenient. Behind a screen, it can feel a bit easier to open up and share your problems with someone.
Emotional affairs can also manifest at work. You might start to confide in a coworker or friend who makes you feel good about yourself. You might even start to put them on a pedestal because their validation boosts your mood and improves your self-esteem. But, when you’re spending most of your time talking and sharing with someone outside of your relationship, you should consider it a red flag.
Why Does Depression Trigger Emotional Affairs in Men?
There are several factors that can contribute to depression leading to emotional affairs. First, depression can cause low self-esteem, especially in men. It can make them feel weak or inadequate. Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve even felt as though you’re unworthy of love from your partner. So, seeking outside validation or support becomes something you look forward to. Unfortunately, that can spiral out of control very quickly.
If you’re struggling with depression and having a hard time opening up about it to your partner, you’re likely to notice a shift in your relationship. Healthy relationships thrive on open communication. If either of you feels disconnected, it can affect everything from your comfort levels to your intimacy.
Depression can also cause people to want to withdraw from others — including those they love. If you feel like you’re withdrawing from your relationship, it can make you more susceptible to making connections elsewhere.
What You Should Do
If you’ve already engaged in an emotional affair or you’re dealing with depression and don’t want to go down that path, allow yourself to let go of the stigma and stereotypes surrounding men’s mental health.
The best thing you can do is work with a mental health professional. Therapy will help you better understand where your depression stems from while offering strategies to overcome your symptoms in healthy, effective ways.
It’s also important to talk to your partner about your feelings. Opening up about your concerns and showing vulnerability will help to rebuild trust in your relationship, especially after you’ve engaged in an emotional affair. They can be the support system you need as you fight back against the symptoms of depression.
Depression can take a toll on men in many ways. Don’t let an emotional affair caused by this mental health condition be the downfall of your relationship or your future. Contact me today to set up an appointment for depression counseling.