Immigrant Depression: What Caused the Recent Spike in Mental Health Distress?
Depression doesn’t seek out specific individuals. It can impact anyone from all walks of life and backgrounds. However, research has shown that there are certain groups that might be more at risk of this mental health condition than others. In recent years, there has been a spike in immigrant depression.
People seeking a better life for themselves and their families in a new location are also at risk of many challenges — some of which could take a toll on their mental well-being.
So, what has actually caused the recent spike in mental health distress among immigrants? Let’s take a look at some of the biggest contributing factors.
Restrictive Immigration Policies
No matter which side of the political aisle you’re on, there’s no denying that we have seen a lot of changes in immigration policies over the last few months. Unfortunately, some of these policies have also caused an increase in anti-immigrant rhetoric. Some people believe that all immigrants fall under the blanket idea of someone who does something illegal. Outdated stereotypes and offensive tropes also contribute to discrimination.
These policies and the rhetoric they create limit opportunities for immigrants when it comes to finding good jobs, improving their education, or even finding safe places to live. As you might expect, that can exacerbate both physical and mental health issues.
Limited Access to Resources
In addition to having fewer opportunities, it’s not uncommon for immigrants to have less access to mental health care. There are several factors that contribute to those disparities, including potentially having to live in low-income neighborhoods or rural neighborhoods without local healthcare facilities.
Some cultures tend to frown upon mental health issues and treatment, as well. So, even if someone knows they are struggling, they might not seek out the help they need due to specific beliefs or fear they might be judged by their culture.
Loss and Grief
Even if someone leaves a country to start a better life elsewhere, they’re still going to experience feelings of loss and potentially grief. They’ve left everything they know, from familiar foods, sights, and sounds to family members and friends.
This kind of loss can create disillusionment, especially in the early stages of being somewhere new. It can also make it difficult to maintain cultural ties, leading to identity issues. All of these things can create extra stress and lead to hopelessness and depression.
Family Conflict
Leaving family members behind is difficult, no matter what situation you’re in. But, for someone immigrating to another country, it can be even more difficult if the move creates conflict within the larger family unit.
It’s important to have a support system when you’re heading to a new country. If it creates conflict with your family back home, it will be harder to have the support you need. Isolation and loneliness are major contributing factors when it comes to depression.
What Can You Do?
Whether you’ve recently moved from another country or you’ve been here for a while and you’re struggling with your mental health, it’s never too early or too late to get help.
Therapy can help you better understand where your depression stems from. Together, we’ll work from the ground up to make it easier to manage your symptoms and to fight back against the debilitating negative thoughts that often come with depression.
Don’t let social stigmas or even outdated cultural beliefs keep you from getting the mental health help you deserve. You decided to move from one country to another for a reason, and depression therapy can help you stand firm in that decision. If you’re ready to take that step together, contact me to set up an appointment soon.