
Understanding Immigrant Trauma
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Understanding Immigrant Trauma

The United States is known for being a country of immigrants. Even though political views and regulations tend to muddy the waters about immigration today, it remains a place where people can come to seek refuge, start a new life, and build the “American Dream” from the ground up.

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Are You Selling Your Soul to Your Job?
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Are You Selling Your Soul to Your Job?

According to a 2022 Gallup poll, 19% of Americans reported being miserable at work. Job dissatisfaction is high, but there’s a difference between not liking your job and feeling like you’re selling your soul to the place you go to each day.

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EMDR: What It Is & How It Works
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EMDR: What It Is & How It Works

Eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has become increasingly popular as a modality for anxiety, depression, trauma, and so much more. It’s a science-backed approach that allows your mind to reprocess harmful negative thoughts.

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Common Causes of Low Sex Drive in Men
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Common Causes of Low Sex Drive in Men

There are plenty of stereotypes about men and high sex drives. Unfortunately, these tropes can do more harm than good when we see them in movies, television shows, and even when they’re talked about in social circles.

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What Causes Low Libido in Women?
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What Causes Low Libido in Women?

There are plenty of tropes and stereotypes about women having a lower sex drive than men. While multiple studies have shown that sex drive doesn’t vary that much by gender, several potential causes could make you feel like your libido isn’t where it should be.

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OCD vs. Autism: Similarities & Differences
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OCD vs. Autism: Similarities & Differences

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and autism might seem like two very different conditions on the surface, and in many ways, they are. However, they do share some common symptoms that could create confusion, and even a misdiagnosis. 

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What is Bipolar 1?
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What is Bipolar 1?

Chances are, you’ve heard of bipolar disorder. You might even know some of the basic signs and symptoms. But, only knowing a bit about mental health conditions can be dangerous and damaging to the people dealing with them.

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