How to Create a Good Work/Life Balance When You're Self-Employed
Being self-employed can be very empowering. Knowing you’re in charge gives you a sense of control and freedom. To the outside world, being self-employed likely feels like a dream come true, and even when you’re in the thick of it, there are plenty of benefits to enjoy.
But, there are also plenty of challenges many people don’t think about — including striking a healthy work-life balance.
Being self-employed means you’re almost always on the clock, even when you’re not technically working. Your business is your life, so you’re the one who has to make all of the decisions, make sure things are running smoothly, and take care of everything to ensure success. That can consume much of your time, energy, and mental bandwidth. So, how can you create a good work/life balance when working for yourself?
Set Specific Hours
Ideally, having your own business means you can set hours that best meet your needs. But you likely already know that isn’t always the case. Maybe you’ve found yourself working in the middle of the night to fulfill orders or deal with expenses and reports. Maybe you’re working extra hours because you procrastinated and have to meet a deadline now. Or, maybe you’ve taken on more than you can chew all at once, and you don’t want to let anyone down, so you’re working around the clock.
One of the best things you can do to avoid these issues and maintain a consistent schedule is to set working hours for yourself. Decide when it’s most appropriate and beneficial for you to be working, and stick to that routine. Stop when the workday ends. Even if you work from home, it’s a good idea to have a separate office space so you aren’t tempted to keep at it when you should be enjoying your free time.
Consider Your Priorities
You should be revisiting your career and personal priorities regularly. On a daily basis, you can do this by looking at your work tasks and creating a list of things that need to get done first. As you cross off the “big” tasks, you’ll feel more productive and less stressed about the smaller things you need to accomplish.
On a larger scale, it’s important to consider your priorities with your business and your personal life. Those can shift over time, of course. Maybe your top priority right now is growing your clientele, but in the long run, you want to make your business self-sufficient so you can spend more time with your family.
As you review and revisit your priorities, you can make small changes to your routine and schedule that will make it easier to achieve the things that matter most.
Take Breaks
Taking breaks throughout the workday might seem like it would hinder production. But, research has shown that it’s likely to have the opposite effect.
Breaks can help to reduce stress, boost creativity, and keep you from feeling burnt out. Go outside for a few minutes. Call a friend or family member to connect. Cook yourself a healthy meal. Taking healthy breaks can remind you that your day isn’t all about work. It can inspire you to look at the other things in your life that bring you joy.
Practice Self-Care
Creating a work-life balance when self-employed is an important part of a self-care routine. Being able to do things that reduce stress and promote your well-being will help with productivity, boost your energy and mood, and make it easier to celebrate your successes in work and life.
If you’re having trouble striking that balance or finding a self-care routine that works for you, don’t try to tackle it alone. Contact me to set up an appointment for anxiety counseling soon, and we’ll work on finding a routine that meets your needs.