Understanding and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as an Entrepreneur

Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological issue that causes someone to feel like a fraud. You might think that any success or accomplishments you have are undeserved, and you’re just waiting for someone to “catch” you and expose that you don’t have the skills or strengths others might think you do.

Imposter syndrome is somewhat of a phenomenon because the people who often experience it are highly successful people. However, people from all walks of life can deal with imposter syndrome, including entrepreneurs.

Starting your own business is no easy task. Finding success is even harder. But if you’ve been able to grow your business into something sustainable, you’ve done something extraordinary! So, what happens if you still feel like an imposter?

Let’s cover a few tools and techniques you can use to overcome imposter syndrome as an entrepreneur.

Fear of Exposure

man looking outside the window

As a business owner, you want your company to be successful. People have different definitions of success, but having a healthy work environment, securing a profit, and experiencing growth are all great signs that you’re doing something right.

If you have imposter syndrome, though, you might always find yourself waiting to be exposed — even if there’s nothing to expose. You might view your business’ success as pure luck and assume it has nothing to do with your hard work or talents. You might fear that someone will find you out and take down your business as a result.

Unrealistic Expectations

It’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs to have some perfectionist tendencies. But, setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and your business will create a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.

When you aren’t able to meet those expectations, you’ll start to criticize yourself even more. When you reach milestones or achievements, you’ll likely downplay them or tell yourself they aren’t good enough. Businesses should strive for perfection but have a healthy understanding that it’s impossible to achieve.

Comparison Issues

Competition is a good thing in the business world. Almost every business owner is going to look at what others in their industry are doing. But, comparing yourself to peers in your business community can go too far.

If you look up to successful peers but they only make you feel like more of a failure, then you’re not using comparison to your advantage. Rather, it’s causing you to feel inadequate, and chances are you’re doing just as much to stay successful as those other businesses.

When comparison becomes obsessive, or it causes you to doubt yourself and your business, it’s time to reconsider what social media you are consuming and thoughts you are entertaining.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

It is possible to fight back against imposter syndrome as an entrepreneur. Recognizing you’re struggling with it is the first step.

Recognize your achievements and celebrate your wins. It’s easy to get down on yourself or think about what you could have done better. But, when you recognize the good moments, you’ll see that you aren’t a fraud, and they are well-deserved.

Make sure you’re surrounding yourself with the right people. That includes a work team that builds each other up, as well as peers and mentors who will offer you encouragement and support.

Finally, consider talking to someone if you’re still struggling. You could be dealing with negative thought patterns or self-esteem issues that are contributing to your imposter syndrome. Breaking those cycles and understanding where those issues stem from can make a big difference. You’ll learn how to boost yourself up and replace negative self-talk with positivity.

If you’re ready to take that step and enjoy the success you’ve built, contact me today to set up an appointment for anxiety therapy.


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