Are You Selling Your Soul to Your Job?
According to a 2022 Gallup poll, 19% of Americans reported being miserable at work. Job dissatisfaction is high, but there’s a difference between not liking your job and feeling like you’re selling your soul to the place you go to each day.
If that sounds a little extreme, it might be more realistic than you think. No, you’re not literally making a deal with the corporate devil. But, there are signs you should pay attention to if you’re unhappy in the workplace.
Let’s take a look at some of those signs so you can determine if you’re selling your soul to your job and if it’s time to make a change.
Your Job Doesn’t Align With Your Values
You don’t have to agree with everything your employer or the company stands for. But, if your job requires you to do things that go against your belief system or personal values, you should consider it a huge red flag.
Personal ethics are important. You should never have to go against what you believe in for a paycheck. Doing so will cause cognitive dissonance and inner turmoil. You might feel guilty, ashamed, or even start to question your identity as you complete tasks that feel foreign to your nature.
You’re Exhausted
It’s not uncommon for people to feel tired or even a little burnt out at the end of a long workday. But, if you tend to feel that way about your job all of the time, something bigger could be going on. Maybe the demands are too great, or you’re dealing with a toxic work environment that drains you every day.
Consider the things that are causing you to feel exhausted each day at work. Some of them might not be so obvious, but they could be crushing you from the inside out.
A Lack of Fulfillment
Do you get up each morning dreading to go to work? Being a little unhappy or wanting to sleep in sometimes is normal. But, if the idea of going to work causes anxiety or extreme distress, there’s a problem.
If you leave work feeling unfulfilled, that’s also a big problem. Your job should give you some sense of purpose. You should feel like you’re contributing something bigger — something you can be proud of. Without fulfillment, you’re just going through the motions, and it won’t take long for you to feel restless, stagnant, and depressed.
You Can’t Strike a Balance
Maybe you actually enjoy your job. You like the people, you’re getting paid more than you ever thought you would, and there is plenty of room for growth and more success. But is there a catch?
Think about what you might be sacrificing for your job. If you’re sacrificing important relationships or giving up on hobbies or interests that mean something to you, you could be selling your soul to your job without really realizing it.
It’s so important to strike a healthy work-life balance, even when you enjoy the work you do. Your job can’t become your identity, or you’re at risk of losing everything else that’s important in your life. If the demands of your job are taking away from those things, reconsider your priorities.
Talking Things Through
Maybe some of these issues sound familiar, but you’re not sure what to do about it. Don’t feel like you have to hold in your concerns, frustrations, or confusion. Sometimes, talking things through — especially with a mental health professional — can help you figure out the right path to take in your career.
If you’re ready to get started on that path, I’m happy to help. Contact me today to set up an appointment for anxiety counseling.