KAP: How to Properly Set Your Expectations

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) has seen an increase in popularity in recent years. People are actively seeking out alternative forms of mental health treatment for a variety of reasons. Some don’t want to risk taking medications with unknown side effects, while others haven’t had success with more traditional forms of therapy. 

But, because there’s still more research to be done surrounding KAP, it’s important to know what to expect before you decide whether it’s right for you. 

KAP isn’t designed to be an instant cure-all. Though it can help with symptoms immediately, it’s not a gimmick and should not be taken lightly. Discussing your questions or concerns with a KAP therapist ahead of time is the best way to find reassurance, so let’s cover a few general things you should do to set your expectations properly if you’re considering KAP.

Setting Your Goals and Intentions

Before you start KAP, it’s important to set your intentions thoughtfully. What do you hope to get out of the experience? Are you trying to heal from a traumatic event or anxious thoughts? Do you want to grow as a person? Maybe you want to experience a deeper connection to yourself or within your relationships.

Understanding your intentions and setting goals for the experience will give you a great place to start. Consider talking about your intentions with your therapist or another support person in your life. It can help to meditate on these intentions or write in a journal so you can work through them rather than just listing things off.

However, it’s just as important to remain flexible and loose during your sessions. Setting goals and intentions doesn’t mean you have to stick to them with rigidity. The more open you are during KAP, the more likely it is that you’ll achieve those goals. 

Understanding the Power of Psychedelics

Each ketamine psychotherapy session might reveal something new to you that you didn’t expect. You should be anchored to your goals and expectations, but recognize that your intentions may evolve as KAP opens your mind and encourages growth. 

KAP can help with things like trauma, anxiety, and depression. For some, that means experiencing instant relief from harmful and negative symptoms. Additionally, psychedelics like ketamine can help to make the mind more elastic. Not only will this help you open up to new experiences and perspectives, but it can make it easier to cope with negative thoughts while improving your resilience. 

Finally, ketamine can help to improve your emotional processing. Think of it as a sort of cleansing or reset. While you don’t necessarily forget the things you’ve been through or the triggers for your anxiety, you are better equipped to find a better balance within your emotions. That can lead to less anxiety and greater feelings of peace and tranquility. 

Working With Your Therapist

There are some common misconceptions about KAP that are essential to address. Again, the best thing you can do before starting this type of treatment is to find a therapist you trust. Ask specific questions and express your concerns.

Most importantly, remind yourself that ketamine is safe and effective. It’s been used for decades for things like pain relief as an anesthetic. Utilizing it in this specific way is still new to many people, so it’s okay to talk things through before you decide if it’s right for you. 

KAP has been successful for people dealing with everything from anxiety and PTSD to eating disorders. If you’ve been on the fence about trying it, feel free to reach out for more information about trauma or anxiety therapy. I’m happy to answer questions and build a relationship you can feel confident in as you start on this healing journey. 


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